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You searched for: spring

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Ground hog in underground burrow slathers Groundhog’s Day shadow protecting SPF lotion on fur.
  • Graduating engineer college students toss flying machine mortar boards.
  • Honeybee on smartphone sees flowers online dating profile looking for a third sex partner.
  • Allergies doctor diagnosing sick bee covered in pollen asks if considered another line of work.
  • Angry bird mom in tree asks dad who broke fallen eggs what he means he’s been spring cleaning nest?
  • Cat audience applauds hibernating bears doing nothing for months at a time presentation.
  • Gardener says garden starts as plant markers but end up as grave markers.
  • Groundhog learns shadows make shaded smartphone screens much easier to read.
  • Sun in sky shaves arm pit light rays hairs with razor on Daylight Savings Time morning.
  • Man in hospital with flowers blooming in ears’ physician diagnoses blooming earbuds.
  • Punk rock musician woodchuck performs onstage concert for Groundhog Day fans audience crowd.
  • Smartphones in Daylight Saving therapy support group lose hour in spring forward clock time change.

You searched for: spring